lundi 4 mai 2009

Near by Vienna

The jail of Krems is a jail for inmates having at least 10 years of jail to do.
Programs started there in the year 2000. Here are the impressions of the man who made the courses of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

At the beginning, they were 7 inmates. But several changed of jail. After some months, they were only 3.
At the beginning of the programs, one inmate was very depressed. Being 27, he was just condemned to jail for life.

After the awakening of his kundalini, and some meditations, he could emerge from that state. He was helping afterwards in the library of the jail.
Another inmate was transferred in another jail. He wrote a letter asking that Sahaja Yoga be taught in his new jail. He sent a letter to the yogis saying he was following to meditate and: “ thank you. Now I am much more relaxed. I integrate Sahaja Yoga completely in my life now. This yoga became indispensable for me.”
The last 3 inmates after some months of yoga were more quiet. They could go in a jail with a less hard rule.

The psychologist of the jail noticed the big change of these inmates but there is no report stating her remarks.

Even the priest said he saw a big amelioration and asked to be introduced to Sahaja Yoga Meditation himself.
Published by Sahaja Yoga Meditation in jail

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